Steeleye Span, Almanack, LP UK Charisma 1973 - CS 12 


How wonderful and nostalgic this Charisma compilation is! It already felt old when you bought it because of the yellowed color of the cover. The album collects the best of the first two phases of the "steeleye" history: that of the years 1969-70 and that of the period 1970-72, with the arrival of Martin Carthy and Peter Knight in place of Gay and Terry Woods.

Che meraviglia e che nostalgia questa compilation della Charisma! Essa già all'acquisto sapeva di antico per il colore ingiallito della copertina. Il disco raccoglie il meglio delle prime due fasi della storia degli "steeleye": quella degli anni 1969-70 e quella del periodo 1970-72, con l'arrivo di Martin Carthy e Peter Knight al posto di Gay e Terry Woods.

Tracks: The Hills Of Greenmore - My Johnny Was A Shoemaker - The Wee Weaver - Reels: Dowd's Favorite / £10 Float / The Morning Dew - False Knight On The Road - Lowlands Of Holland - All Things Are Quite Silent - Jigs: Bryan O'Lynn/The Hag with the Money - Prince Charlie Stuart - Gower Wassail - Skewball