ATZ, The Way To Do It, 7" Mayday Records 1984 - MY1


The four tunes included have been selected as a good cross section of the bands repertoire and are always popular at our barn dances and ceilidhs.

Le quattro composizioni che sono state qui proposte rappresentano una buona selezione dei repertori di varie band che eseguono musiche popolari da ballo.

Tracks: 1. Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre / Bonnie Dundee – 2. The Oyster Wife's Rant – 3. The Way To Do It – 4. Nancy / Cuckold Come Out – 5. The Amrey / Hesleyside Reel

Musicians: Dave Roberts (melodeon), Dave Sheperd (violin), Jon May (drums), Stuart Moffat (bass guitar), Alan Moody (guitar). Photography by Gordon W. Topping. Soung engineer Clive Taylor. Designed and produced by Jon May.