The Albion Band, The Best of 1989/1990


HTD Records HTDCD87, 1998


Il cd raccoglie i brani contenuti in due album: "Give Me A Saddle, I'll Trade You A Car" del 1989 e "1990". Siamo di fronte ad un lavoro ricco che si apre con la scoppiettante "Ash On An Old Man's Sleeve". Il booklet, disegnato da Malcolm Holmes, è corredato dalle foto B/N del gruppo, opera di Darren Andrews.



Ash On An Old Man's Sleeve - Geoff Collings - Thomas' Morris / Postman's Polka - Set Their Mouths To Twisting - Seven Curses - Cardhouse - Striking For Another Land - Bury My Eyeballs On Top Of Boot Hill - Kitty Come Down - The Lane - The Power And The Glory - Fairford Breakdown - Rambleaway - The Flood - Nameless Kind Of Hell - Adam And Eve - Lock Up Your Daughters - The Party's Over



Phil Beer, Simon Care, Trevor Foster, Ashley Hutchings, John Shepherd
Guesting: Scott Barnard, P. Tristan Brill, Caleb Brown, Julian Dawson, Judy Dunlop, Matthew Horner, Cliff Stapleton, John Tams, Bill Zorn, Pete Zorn