The Albion Band, Under The Rose


1996 (Making Waves SPINCD110)


Un gran bel disco questo "Under the rose": suoni elettrici molti anni 80 ma grande raffinatezza compositiva ed una splendida Cathy Lesurf, la cui voce incanta in brani come "Woodlands of England" e "The shipwreck". Il cd, prodotto dalla Albion e da Mick Dolan,  è stato registrato nel 1984. Le illustrazioni, modestissime, sono di D. & L. Potter.



Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow - Words - Rascals - Woodland Of England - Heart - Dancing Under The Road - Broken - Sailors Rest Hornpipe / The Shipwreck



Cathy Lesurf - vocals, Phil Beer - vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, fiddle, mandolin, Trevor Foster - drums, Ashley Hutchings - vocals, bass guitar, Doug Morter - electric guitar
With special guest: Max Clifford - synthesisers, alto saxophone


Recorded at Millstream Studios, Cheltenham 1984