Steeleye Span, Parcel Of Rogues, LP
Chrysalis (April 1973) - CHR 1046
Another important milestone
in the history of the group: "Parcel of Rogues". The 1973 Chrysalis
edition is precious for the suggestive drawings by Grahame Berney of
Dream Studios and the framed photographs of the musicians, the work of
the usual Keith Morris. Among the songs on the album it is necessary to
remember "Alison Gross" and "Cam Ye O'er Frae France".
Un'altra tappa
importante per
la storia del gruppo: "Parcel of Rogues", il "bottino del bandito".
L'edizione della Chrysalis del 1973 è preziosa per i disegni
suggestivi di Grahame Berney del Dream Studios e le fotografie
incorniciate dei musicisti, opera del solito Keith Morris. Tra i brani
dell'album è necessario ricordare "Alison Gross" e "Cam Ye
O'er Frae France".
One Misty Moisty Morning [3:32] - Alison Gross [5:29] - The Bold
Poachers [4:19] - The Ups And Downs [2:46] - Robbery With Violins
- The Wee Wee Man [4:02] - The Weaver And The Factory Maid [5:21] -
Rogues In A Nation [4:35] - Cam Ye O'er Frae France [2:49] - Hares On
The Mountain [4:35]
Maddy Prior: vocals - Tim Hart: guitar, dulcimer, vocals - Bob Johnson:
guitar, vocals - Rick Kemp: bass, drum, vocals - Peter Knight: violin,
viola, mandolin, piano, recorders, harmonium, vocals