Jon Raven, John Kirkpatrick, Sue Harris, Gary & Vera Aspey, The Bold Navigators, LP UK Traditional Sound Recordings 1975 - TSR 019


An album dedicated to the history of navigation in the English canals. The idea was born from the singer and researcher Jon Raven who, in addition to being the author of the volume "Canal Songs" containing the lyrics of the songs, is also the author of the notes on the back cover. Among the songs, "The Rosemary" (vocals and guitar by Jon Raven) stands out, as does "Poor Old Horse" by John Kirkpatrick and Sue Harris. The evocative cover image of the vinyl comes from the Luton Museum, while the outline drawings are the work of Chris Cheetham.

Un disco dedicato alla storia della navigazione nei canali inglesi. L'idea nasce dal cantante e ricercatore Jon Raven che, oltre a essere autore del volume "Canal Songs" contenente i testi delle canzoni, è anche autore delle note sul retro di copertina. Tra le canzoni spicca "The Rosemary" (voce e chitarra di Jon Raven) ma anche "Poor Old Horse" di John Kirkpatrick e Sue Harris. La suggestiva immagine di copertina del vinile proviene dal Luton Museum, mentre i disegni di contorno sono opera di Chris Cheetham.

Tracks: Come now begin dalving - The Navvy boy - The bold navigators - Canal fever - Leeds / A Seaport town - The Manchester ship canal - Birmingham lads - All hall this grand day - Captains of the Waterways - The cruise of the Calibar - Keep yer 'ands off - The Tommy note - Poor old horse - Push boys push - The Rosemary.