Robin & Barry
Dransfield, Lord of All
I Behold,
LP UK Trailer Records 1971 - LER2026
beautiful and successful album that marks a particularly difficult
moment in Barry Dransfield's career: the duo had an important manager,
Jo Lustig, who had managed to get an important contract with the
American Warner during a tour in the States with Ralph McTell. But
Barry didn't need money, he loved the life he had and also playing in
front of a small audience. It was then that the contract was torn up
and the careers of Robin and Barry separated. The dark and alienating
cover photograph is by Janet Kerr. Bill Leader as producer recorded the
album at Nick Kinsey's Livingston Studios.
Disco bellissimo e di
successo che segna un momento particolarmente difficile per la carriera
di Barry Dransfield: il duo aveva un manager importante, Jo Lustig, che
era riuscito a ottenere un contratto importante con la Warner americana
in occasione di un tour negli states con Ralph McTell. Ma Barry non
aveva bisogno di soldi, amava la vita che aveva così come
suonare in presenza di un pubblico ristretto. Fu allora che il
contratto fu stracciato e le carriere di Robin e Barry si separarono.
La fotografia di copertina, cupa e straniante, è di Janet
Kerr. Bill Leader come produttore registra l'album presso i Livingston
Studios di Nick Kinsey.
Tracks Side A:Faithful Johnny (RoudBS B97438)
(3.34) - Bold Nelson's Favourite: Bold Nelson's Praise (Roud 1574) /
Princess Royal / Saddle the Pony (3.53) - Who Liveth So Merry (3.09) -
Adam and the Beasts (4.21) - Lord of All I Behold (5.13)
Tracks Side B: Paddy Ryan's Dream (1.14) - Still He Sings (2.17) - Bold
William Taylor (Roud 158; Laws N11; G/D 1:169; Henry H231, H757) (3.54)
- Just As the Tide Was Flowing (Roud 1105) (5.51) - The Wild Rover
(Roud 1173; G/D 7:1480) (5.18)