Jo Freya's Lal Waterson Project, LAL, CD No Masters 2007 - NMCD27


For several years Jo Freya had decided to work on the repertoire of Lal Waterson, thanks to Oliver Knight who was Lal’s was collaborator. To create a work that had the breath of Lal, Jo Freya has then decided to gather some of the musicians with whom she worked: they are Jo’s sister Fi Fraser (The Old Swan Band), Mary Macmaster (Poozies) an amazing electro-harpist, Neil Ferguson, Jude Abbott (Chumbawamba), Jim Boyes (Coope, Boyes & Simpson) and Harry Hamer (Sex Patels) whose percussion box matches exactly with the rhythm of the harp. The result is an exceptional album to treasure, album published by the No Masters Cooperative and recorded in the studio by Neil Ferguson who has also worked on production.

Da alcuni anni Jo Freya aveva deciso di lavorare sul repertorio di Lal Waterson, grazie alla collaborazione di Oliver Knight che di Lal è stato collaboratore. Per dare vita a un lavoro che di Lal avesse il respiro, Jo Freya ha deciso allora di radunare alcuni dei musicisti con i quali aveva collaborato ed esattamente la sorella Fi Fraser (Old Swan Band), Mary Macmaster (Poozies) straordinaria all'arpa elettrica, Neil Ferguson e Jude Abbott (Chumbawamba), Jim Boyes (Coope, Boyes & Simpson) e Harry Hamer (Sex Patels) le cui percussioni dialogano in modo formidabile con la ritmica dell'arpa. Ne è nato un album formidabile e imperdibile, pubblicato da quelli della cooperativa No Masters e registrato in studio da Neil Ferguson che ha collaborato anche alla produzione.

Tracks: 1. Midnight Feast - 2. Dazed - 3. Wilson's Arms - 4. Song For Thirza - 5. Together - 6. Long Vacation - 7. The Bird - 8. May Butterfly - 9. Party Games - 10. Flight Of The Pelican - 11. Some Old Salty - 12. Bath Time - 13. Foolish One - 14. Stumbling On - 15. Migrating Bird