Patrick Street, All in Good Time
CD Green Kinnet Rec. 1993 (GLCD 1125)
Splendido album prodotto da Bill Whelan e registrato a Dublino negli studi Windmill da Pearse Dunne. Si potrebbe considerare il miglior album del gruppo. Il booklet è corredato da disegni di Greenberg Kingsley.
Tracks: 1 - Walsh's polkas, 2 - A Prince Among Men (Only A Miner), 3 - Frank Quinn's Reel/Lad O'Beirne's/Murphy's Reel, 4 - Lintheads: The Pride Of Springfield Road/Lawrence Common/Goodbye Monday Blues, 5 - Light & Airy/All In Good Time, 6 - The Mouth Of The Tobique/Billy Wilson, 7 - The Girls Along The Road, 8 - The Thames Hornpipe/The Fairy Queen, 9 - Dennis Murphy's Reel/The Bag Of Spuds/MacFarley's Reel, 10 - Carrowclare, 11 - Lynch's barn dances